Friday, 21 December 2012

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous"

It was Aristotle the ancient Greek philosopher who said  "In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous" and how relevant those words are to my own perceptions and ideology of the natural world. As somebody who is a lifelong naturalist I have always had a fascination with the many elements of flora and fauna in the British Isles. I have always tried to maintain a generalists approach, despite the draws and perks of specialisation. Having lived in Yorkshire all of my life I have a particular fondness for the county and its wildlife, which is as varied as its weather; from its lowland chalk meadows to its raised acid bogs the diversity of species and habitats must be one of the best in Britain. Not content with studying natural history in my spare time, I decided to embark on a career as an ecologist and hopefully put some of the enjoyment I get from the natural world back into it through conservation. The combination of these factors as well as a recent growing interest in wildlife photography has pushed me into blogging. Blogging is not only a fantastic way of maintaining my personal records and experiences but it also allows the engagement of likeminded people.           

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